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со всех языков на английский

coined word

  • 1 coined word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > coined word

  • 2 coined word

    Kunstwort n.

    English-german dictionary > coined word

  • 3 coined word

    «крылатое слово»
    оригинальная и произвольная комбинация слогов, составляющих название товара («Кодак», «Мазда» и т. п.)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > coined word

  • 4 coined word

    новое словообразование, новый термин

    Patent terms dictionary > coined word

  • 5 coined word

    ஆக்கிய சொல்

    English-Tamil dictionary > coined word

  • 6 newly coined word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > newly coined word

  • 7 new-coined word

    • nové slovo

    English-Slovak dictionary > new-coined word

  • 8 word

    Patent terms dictionary > word

  • 9 word

      слово; сообщение; замечание; пароль; "Ворд" (текстовой редактор); pl текст
       banner word начальное слово; заголовок
       bazz words штампы; стандартные приемы, используемые в рекламе
       coined, concocted, made word см. invented word
       direction, guide word колонтитул
       invented word выдуманное, искуственно образованное слово

    Англо-русский словарь по рекламе > word

  • 10 coined a word or phrase

    menemukan; memulai terbit

    English-Indonesian dictionary > coined a word or phrase

  • 11 The word was coined by Schiller.

    Der Ausspruch stammt von Schiller. ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > The word was coined by Schiller.

  • 12 new

    I. 1. нов
    NEW soil целина
    as good as NEW като нов
    2. нов, моден, модерен, съвременен, последен
    the NEW poor/rich наскоро обеднелите/забогателите
    NEW deal нова социално-икономическа политика
    the NEW Deal икономическата политика на Франклин Рузвелт
    3. нов, друг, още един
    4. нов, непознат, непривикнал, отскорошен
    I was NEW to the job не бях още запознат с работата
    I am NEW to this town не познавам още града, отскоро съм в града
    NEW from school току-що свършил училище
    the horse is NEW to the plough конят още не е свикнал с плуга
    5. пресен (за хляб, мляко), млад (за зеленчук, вино), неотлежал (за сирене и пр.)
    to turn over a NEW leaf започвам друг/нов живот
    this is a NEW one on me! и това не бях чувал
    II. n the NEW новост
    III. 1. adv само в съчет. с глаголи наново
    to NEW-build построявам наново
    2. с прил. и прич. ново-
    NEW-blown току-що разцъфнал
    NEW-coined word новоизкована дума
    * * *
    {nju:} I. a 1. нов; new soil целина; as good as new като нов; 2. нов,(2) {nju:} adv само в съчет.: 1. с глаголи наново; to new-build пос
    * * *
    последен; пресен; друг; непознат; неотлежал; непривикнал; незапознат;
    * * *
    1. as good as new като нов 2. i am new to this town не познавам още града, отскоро съм в града 3. i was new to the job не бях още запознат с работата 4. i. нов 5. ii. n the new новост 6. iii. adv само в съчет. с глаголи наново 7. new deal нова социално-икономическа политика 8. new from school току-що свършил училище 9. new soil целина 10. new-blown току-що разцъфнал 11. new-coined word новоизкована дума 12. the horse is new to the plough конят още не е свикнал с плуга 13. the new deal икономическата политика на Франклин Рузвелт 14. the new poor/rich наскоро обеднелите/забогателите 15. this is a new one on me! и това не бях чувал 16. to new-build построявам наново 17. to turn over a new leaf започвам друг/нов живот 18. нов, друг, още един 19. нов, моден, модерен, съвременен, последен 20. нов, непознат, непривикнал, отскорошен 21. пресен (за хляб, мляко), млад (за зеленчук, вино), неотлежал (за сирене и пр.) 22. с прил. и прич. ново-
    * * *
    new [nju:] I. adj 1. нов;
    ew issue
    нова емисия;
    ew moon
    нова луна; новолуние;
    ew soil
    ew trial
    ново (повторно) разглеждане на делото; 2. нов, моден, модерен, съвременен, последен; 3. нов, друг; още един; to lead a
    ew life
    , to turn over a
    ew leaf
    започвам друг (нов) живот; 4. нов, непознат; незапознат, непривикнал; отскорошен;
    ew from college
    току-що завършил колеж; I am
    ew to this town
    не познавам този град; a
    ew one on me
    нещо ново (непознато) за мен; ново двайсет; 5. пресен (за хляб, мляко, зеленчук); млад (за вино); неотлежал (за сирене и пр.); II. adv само в съчет.: 1. с глаголи наново;
    построявам наново; 2. с прил. и прич. ново-
    току-що разцъфнал;
    ew-coined word
    новоизкована дума;
    прясно наточен (за вино и пр.).

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > new

  • 13 ♦ new

    ♦ new (1) /nju:, USA nu:/
    A a.
    1 nuovo; novello; recente; fresco; moderno: a new idea, un'idea nuova; new economy, new economy (l'insieme delle attività economiche basate sulle nuove tecnologie informatiche e di rete); That's a new word to me, questa parola mi è nuova, ignota; new and second-hand books, libri nuovi e libri di seconda mano; DIALOGO → - New phone- Have you got a new phone?, hai un telefono nuovo?; new potatoes, patate novelle; spanking new (o brand new) nuovo di zecca
    2 nuovo; diverso: DIALOGO → - Ordering wine- I'll be right back with a new bottle, arrivo subito con un'altra bottiglia; DIALOGO → - Building work- We are looking for a new place, stiamo cercando un'altra casa
    B n. [u]
    the new, ciò che è nuovo; il nuovo
    ● (mus., filos.) New Age, New Age; (GB) New Age traveller, persona senza fissa dimora che rifiuta i valori della società moderna □ new blood, sangue nuovo ( anche fig.); persone nuove, forze nuove, ricambi; ( anche) idee nuove, innovazioni □ a new broom, una scopa nuova; (fig.) un nuovo assunto; uno nominato di fresco; un nuovo capo □ ( sport) new buy, nuovo acquisto; neo acquisto □ (fam. USA) new-collar, piccolo borghese di origini operaie □ new-day, alla moda, aggiornato, moderno: new-day conveyances, i moderni mezzi di trasporto □ (stor., in USA) the New Deal, il ‘New Deal’ (del Presidente F.D. Roosevelt, dopo il 1932) □ (in USA) New Englander, abitante (o nativo) della Nuova Inghilterra □ the new entrants, le nuove leve (di lavoratori); i nuovi concorrenti ( in un mercato) □ (econ.) New Keynesian economics, economia neokeynesiana □ (polit.) New Labour, il nuovo partito laburista ( quello di Tony Blair) □ (polit.) the New Left, la nuova sinistra □ (polit.) New Leftist, membro della nuova sinistra □ ( arte, moda, ecc.) new look, new look □ new moon, luna nuova ( non la si vede dalla terra), novilunio; nuova luna, primo quarto di luna, falce di luna crescente □ (in GB, dopo il 1971) new penny, nuovo penny ( moneta pari a 1 centesimo di sterlina) □ ( sport) new professional, neoprofessionista □ a new release, una novità (spec. discografica) □ the new rich, gli arricchiti; i nuovi ricchi □ (polit.) the New Right, la nuova destra □ New Scotland Yard, la (nuova) sede della Polizia «Metropolitana» di Londra □ (fin.) new shares, azioni di nuova emissione □ new snow, neve nuova; neve fresca □ (agric.) new soil, terreno vergine □ (relig.) the New Testament, il Nuovo Testamento □ new town, città satellite □ (in GB) new university, nuova università ( nome nuovo, dal 1992 dato ai vecchi ‘politecnici’) □ new wave, (cinem.) nouvelle vague; (mus.) new wave □ (geogr.) the New World, il Nuovo Mondo □ New Year, Anno Nuovo □ the New Year holidays, le vacanze di Capodanno □ New Year's Day, Capodanno; il primo dell'anno NOTE DI CULTURA: ► bank holiday, sotto bank (2) □ New Year's eve, la vigilia di capodanno; l'ultimo dell'anno □ New Year's resolution, proposito per l'anno nuovo □ New Yorker, newyorchese; nuovayorchese □ (fam. USA) New Yorky, tipico di New York □ (geogr.) New Zealand, Nuova Zelanda: I love New Zealand, adoro la Nuova Zelanda; We're going to New Zealand, andiamo in Nuova Zelanda; She lives in New Zealand, abita in Nuova Zelanda □ New Zealander, neozelandese: She's married to a New Zealander, ha sposato un neozelandese □ as good as new, come nuovo; quasi nuovo □ ever new, in continuo rinnovamento; sempre nuovo □ to feel like a new man, sentirsi rinato □ (fam., iron.) So what else is new?, bella novità!; sai che novità! □ That's nothing new, non è una novità NOTA D'USO: - new o news?-.
    new (2) /nju:, USA nu:/
    avv. (di solito, nei composti:)
    1 di recente; di fresco; da poco tempo: new-made, fatto di recente; new-found, scoperto da poco; new-mown hay, fieno falciato di fresco; a new-coined word, una parola coniata di fresco
    2 di nuovo; nuovamente: new-built, costruito di nuovo; ricostruito
    ● ( di un fiore) new-blown, appena sbocciato □ new-fashioned, alla moda □ a new-fledged bird, un uccellino che ha appena messo le ali □ new-laid eggs, uova appena deposte; uova fresche.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ new

  • 14 coin

    I. 1. монета, разг. пари
    to pay someone back in the same/in his own COIN (от) връщам някому със същото
    the other side of the COIN другата/обратната страна на въпрос/становшце и пр
    2. нещо, което се цени/което има стойност
    3. тех. щемпел, матрица, щанца
    II. 1. сека, изсичам (монети), to COIN money прен. рина парите с-лопата, печеля бързо/много
    2. измислям, съчинявам, скалъпвам
    3. създавам, въвеждам (нова дума, израз)
    * * *
    {kain} n 1. монета; разг. пари; to pay s.o. back in the same/in (2) v 1. сека, изсичам (монети), to coin money прен. рина парите
    * * *
    щемпел; пара; изфабрикувам; монета;
    * * *
    1. i. монета, разг. пари 2. ii. сека, изсичам (монети), to coin money прен. рина парите с-лопата, печеля бързо/много 3. the other side of the coin другата/обратната страна на въпрос/становшце и пр 4. to pay someone back in the same/in his own coin (от) връщам някому със същото 5. измислям, съчинявам, скалъпвам 6. нещо, което се цени/което има стойност 7. създавам, въвеждам (нова дума, израз) 8. тех. щемпел, матрица, щанца
    * * *
    coin[kɔin] I. n 1. монета; разг. пари; to pay s.o. back in his own \coin връщам на някого по същия начин; the current \coin прен. преобладаващото (общото) мнение; to pay in the \coin of the realm плащам в брой; two sides of the same \coin две страни на едно и също нещо (явление); to spin ( toss) a \coin решавам въпрос (спор) с хвърляне на монета; the other side of the \coin обратната страна на монетата; прен. обратната страна на медала; 2. тех. щемпел; матрица; pl шанци; II. v 1. сека пари; 2. измислям, съчинявам, изфабрикувам, скалъпвам; to \coin a lie скалъпвам лъжа; 3. създавам нови думи (изрази); to \coin a phrase съчинявам израз; a newly-\coined word новоизмислена дума, неологизъм; 4. разг. фабрикувам фалшиви монети; 5.: to be \coining it ( money) разг. правя (печеля) луди пари.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > coin

  • 15 coin

    [koin] 1. noun
    (a piece of metal used as money: a handful of coins.) mønt
    2. verb
    1) (to make metal into (money): The new country soon started to coin its own money.) udstede mønt; præge mønt
    2) (to invent (a word, phrase etc): The scientist coined a word for the new process.) danne
    * * *
    [koin] 1. noun
    (a piece of metal used as money: a handful of coins.) mønt
    2. verb
    1) (to make metal into (money): The new country soon started to coin its own money.) udstede mønt; præge mønt
    2) (to invent (a word, phrase etc): The scientist coined a word for the new process.) danne

    English-Danish dictionary > coin

  • 16 coin

    [koin] 1. noun
    (a piece of metal used as money: a handful of coins.) moeda
    2. verb
    1) (to make metal into (money): The new country soon started to coin its own money.) cunhar
    2) (to invent (a word, phrase etc): The scientist coined a word for the new process.) inventar
    * * *
    [kɔin] n 1 moeda. 2 dinheiro amoedado. 3 esquina. 4 Mech chaveta, cunha. • vt+vi 1 cunhar moeda, amoedar. 2 fig cunhar, inventar, forjar. base ou false coin moeda falsa. current coin moeda corrente. he is coining money coll ele ganha muito dinheiro. I paid him back in his own coin paguei-lhe na mesma moeda. newly coined words neologismos. small coin moeda divisionária. the head of a coin cara. the other side of the coin o outro lado da moeda, o lado oposto da situação. the tail of a coin coroa. two sides of the same coin dois lados da mesma moeda, duas maneiras de ver a mesma coisa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > coin

  • 17 coin

    1. noun
    (a piece of metal used as money: a handful of coins.) moneda

    2. verb
    1) (to make metal into (money): The new country soon started to coin its own money.) acuñar
    2) (to invent (a word, phrase etc): The scientist coined a word for the new process.) inventar
    coin n moneda
    1 moneda
    1 (money) acuñar
    2 (invent) crear, acuñar
    to coin a phrase como se suele decir, por así decirlo
    to toss a coin echar a cara o cruz
    coin ['kɔɪn] vt
    1) mint: acuñar (moneda)
    2) invent: acuñar, crear, inventar
    to coin a phrase: como se suele decir
    coin n
    : moneda f
    metálico s.m.
    moneda s.f.
    pieza s.f.
    acuñar v.
    amonedar v.
    forjar v.
    inventar v.
    monedear v.

    I kɔɪn
    count noun moneda f

    the other side of the coinla otra cara de la moneda

    a) ( invent) \<\<word/expression\>\> acuñar

    to coin a phrase — (set phrase) como se suele decir

    b) ( mint) acuñar
    N moneda f

    to toss a coin — echar una moneda al aire, jugárselo a cara o cruz

    - pay sb back in his own coin
    VT [+ money] acuñar; (fig) [+ word] inventar, acuñar

    to coin a phrasehum para decirlo así, si me permite la frase

    * * *

    I [kɔɪn]
    count noun moneda f

    the other side of the coinla otra cara de la moneda

    a) ( invent) \<\<word/expression\>\> acuñar

    to coin a phrase — (set phrase) como se suele decir

    b) ( mint) acuñar

    English-spanish dictionary > coin

  • 18 rafter

    [English Word] rafter
    [English Plural] rafters
    [Swahili Word] kombamoyo
    [Swahili Plural] makombamoyo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [Derived Word] komba V,moyo N
    [English Word] rafter
    [English Plural] rafters
    [Swahili Word] mtambaa panya
    [Swahili Plural] mitambaa panya
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Related Words] panya
    [Note] used in building construction, probably coined to indicate the beams that rats use to crawl from one side of a building to another, suggests a Kamusi Project participant

    English-Swahili dictionary > rafter

  • 19 coin

    I [kɔɪn]
    1) moneta f.
    2) U (coinage) moneta f.

    the other side of the coin is that(sth. negative) il rovescio della medaglia è che; (sth. positive) la cosa buona è che

    II [kɔɪn]
    1) coniare [ coins]

    he's really coining itcolloq. fa soldi a palate

    2) fig. coniare [word, term]

    money isn't everything, to coin a phrase — il denaro non è tutto, come si suol dire

    * * *
    [koin] 1. noun
    (a piece of metal used as money: a handful of coins.) moneta
    2. verb
    1) (to make metal into (money): The new country soon started to coin its own money.) coniare
    2) (to invent (a word, phrase etc): The scientist coined a word for the new process.) coniare
    * * *
    1. n
    2. vt
    (fam: money) fare soldi a palate, (fig : word etc) coniare
    * * *
    I [kɔɪn]
    1) moneta f.
    2) U (coinage) moneta f.

    the other side of the coin is that(sth. negative) il rovescio della medaglia è che; (sth. positive) la cosa buona è che

    II [kɔɪn]
    1) coniare [ coins]

    he's really coining itcolloq. fa soldi a palate

    2) fig. coniare [word, term]

    money isn't everything, to coin a phrase — il denaro non è tutto, come si suol dire

    English-Italian dictionary > coin

  • 20 coin

    koin 1. noun
    (a piece of metal used as money: a handful of coins.) mynt
    2. verb
    1) (to make metal into (money): The new country soon started to coin its own money.) lage penger, (ut)mynte, prege
    2) (to invent (a word, phrase etc): The scientist coined a word for the new process.) dikte opp, finne på
    subst. \/kɔɪn\/
    1) mynt, pengestykke, penger (hverdagslig)
    falsk mynt\/falske penger
    2) ( på mynt) preg
    3) ( gammeldags) hjørnestein, kile
    flip\/toss a coin kaste mynt og krone
    the other side of the coin medaljens bakside, den andre siden av saken
    pay a person back in his own\/the same coin ( overført) betale \/ gi igjen med samme mynt
    ring a coin teste en mynt på klangen
    verb \/kɔɪn\/
    1) mynte, prege
    2) ( overført) slå mynt på
    3) finne på, dikte (opp), lage
    coin money eller coin it ( hverdagslig) tjene penger som gress, håve inn penger, tjene grovt med penger
    coin one's brain leve på sitt gode hode
    to coin a phrase for å si det på en litt original måte (sagt ironisk etter å ha brukt en klisje)

    English-Norwegian dictionary > coin

См. также в других словарях:

  • word — I (news) noun account, advice, bulletin, communication, dispatch, information, intelligence, mention, message, report, statement II (promise) noun affirmation, agreement, assurance, averment, avouchment, avowal, declaration, pledge, profession,… …   Law dictionary

  • word — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 unit of language ADJECTIVE ▪ two letter, three letter, etc. ▪ monosyllabic, polysyllabic ▪ two syllable, three syllable …   Collocations dictionary

  • Coined — Coin Coin, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Coined} (koind); p. pr. & vb. n. {Coining}.] 1. To make of a definite fineness, and convert into coins, as a mass of metal; to mint; to manufacture; as, to coin silver dollars; to coin a medal. [1913 Webster] 2. To …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Word word — A Word word is a non technical term for a particular colloquial tendency to double (repeat) a certain word, as if the first use is an adjective and the second is the modified noun. The first word of the repeated pair (adjective form) is usually… …   Wikipedia

  • word association football — Meaning Origin A word game in which the first player starts with a word and subsequent players have to follow with a related word and so on. The pastime has been around for some years and is staple fare for families on long car journeys and the… …   Meaning and origin of phrases

  • word\ of\ mouse — The way news and rumors spread across the internet via message boards and IRC servers. (Someone coined this along time ago...just did not see it listed and thought it should be.) If word of mouth and work of mouth don t do it for you, try word of …   Dictionary of american slang

  • word\ of\ mouse — The way news and rumors spread across the internet via message boards and IRC servers. (Someone coined this along time ago...just did not see it listed and thought it should be.) If word of mouth and work of mouth don t do it for you, try word of …   Dictionary of american slang

  • coined — kɔɪn n. piece of stamped metal currency (as opposed to paper bills) v. make coins out of metal, mint; invent a new word or phrase …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Longest word in English — The identity of the longest word in English depends upon the definition of what constitutes a word in the English language, as well as how length should be compared. In addition to words derived naturally from the language s roots (without any… …   Wikipedia

  • portmanteau word — n. [coined by Lewis CARROLL Lewis in Through the Looking Glass] a coined word that is a combination of two other words in form and meaning; blend (Ex.: smog, from smoke and fog) …   English World dictionary

  • nonce word — noun a word with a special meaning used for a special occasion • Syn: ↑hapax legomenon • Hypernyms: ↑word * * * noun : a word (as ringday in “four girls I know have become engaged today: this must be ringday”) coined and used apparently to suit… …   Useful english dictionary

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